fil franck tours - your hotels in Europe

Hotels in alsace

Fil Franck Tours - Hotels in Europe Hotel Regent Contades 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars

fil franck tours - 4 stars hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades

A jewel of a new hotel line, the Regent Contades surpasses the criteria of hospitality and service according to the great French tradition of deluxe hostelry. A unique location along the banks of the Ill River. Situated in the heart of the city in a landmark 19th century building. Only two minutes away from the cathedral. Right next to Saint Paul Church. Harbour of relaxation and leisure the Hotel Regent Contades offers to its guest the privilege to stay in the cosy atmosphere of one of its 34 rooms and 11 suites. A matchless seduction of style and comfort with modern amenities. The Regent Contades respects the tradition of the French deluxe hospitality.

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To cater to your every needs, we propose the Belle Epoque room for breakfast. The privacy of a home combined with the life of a grand European hotel, that is the best description of the Regent Contades. - - During the Christmas-market, Sessions of the European Parliament and Council of Europe these rates are not available. - - Prices include Buffet Breakfast and all taxes. -
fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  fil franck tours -  hotels in alsace - Hotel Regent Contades  

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Prices are available upon request.

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