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Hotels in provence

Fil Franck Tours - Hotels in Europe Hostellerie la Grangette 3 stars 3 stars 3 stars

fil franck tours - 3 stars hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette

Here... At Velleron, in the pretty, perched village and former barony of the Counts of Toulouse, sitting on a hill, facing the setting sun, when the Alpilles become lace and the plain opalescent, summer, to the music of the sheep's bells as they roam the hillside of Cambuisson, living rooms and dining rooms remind us the evenings around the tables laden with the fruit and wine and bread that the villagers loved to share. Comtat Venaissin, the Sorgue region, Ventoux, Luberon, Rhone, Dentelles de Montmirail, Alpilles... So many evocative names of this mythic Provence, the Provence of the Romans and the popes, of the Counts of Toulouse and their love stories, of festivals and soft, arid landscapes, an abundance of fruit and vegetables, strawberies in December and the sing-song language that make you forget time. Everything is done to make the world seem far away. And if the "Grangette" became your home away from home in Provence ? Your house in Cambuisson ?

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PRICES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. - - The Hostellerie la Grangette is closed from November 1 to February 1 -
fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  fil franck tours -  hotels in provence - Hostellerie la Grangette  

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Prices are available upon request.

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