fil franck tours - your hotels in Europe

Tours in Prague

Tour Code:


Tour Price:

$90 (USD)

Tour Duration:

4 hours

Fil Franck Tours - Tours in  - Karlstejn Castle  Fil Franck Tours - Tours in  - Karlstejn Castle  Fil Franck Tours - Tours in  - Karlstejn Castle  

fil franck tours

The Tour (Tour Code: T9)

Karlstejn Castle - 4.5 hours

Tour duration: 4 hours

Tour price: $90 USD (per person)


Visit the Karlstejn Castle which was built in the 14th century by the Czech King and Roman Emperor, Charles IV. At the time, the castle held the treasure of the Holy Roman Empire, including the imperial coronation jewels. We would like to point out that this excursion is physically more demanding. IN WINTER: In case the Karl?tejn Castle is closed, we arrange an alternative visit to the Cesky Sternberk Castle. The Castle features rich stucco decorations and unique collections of weapos.


English, French, Italian, Spanish, German.

Departure Times

Apr 01 10 to Oct 31 10

Sat and Sun at 1:30 PM

Nov 01 10 to Mar 31 11

Sat and Sun at 11:00 AM

Included in the tour

  • Admission fee included

fil franck tours